
近两个月来到处都充斥着负面而悲观的消息,尤其是近一个星期马来西亚的政治新闻高潮迭起,精彩得堪比一部电影。作为马来西亚子民的心情也随之起伏,有愤怒、有悲伤、有谩骂、有嘲讽也有揶揄的。尤其是在社交网站,更是充斥着各种谩骂叫嚣,流言蜚语。 无论如何,发生了的已成为事实,我们唯有理智看待,静观其变。 与其浪费时间划脸书,不如看书吧! 今天,我想邀请你加入微信读书的大家庭,遨游书海,享受无尽的阅读乐趣! 微信读书是一个腾讯(Tencent)所开发的阅读平台App。 同时支持iOS和Android两大终端平台。也就是说,所有的BOOX...

The art of parenting: just let your kids get bored

I know I will draw a lot of flak for saying this, but I just say it anyway: being bored is good for you, it’s good for the kids too. Nowadays, we are surrounded by so much entertainment that it is very hard to get bored. Have you tried to just remain silent for...

A promise of Elixir

Today is the start of 2020. A lot of us was and is enjoying our year end holiday. What did you do during your holiday? For me, it is a time of reflection and reading, and today I want to introduce a book that I read Lifespan: Why We Age– and Why We Don’t...

Scribbling notes directly on PDF documents

One of the benefits of physical books or documents over ebooks is that the former is writable– you can write notes on the physical books, or in the margin. This feature is very much missed on Kindle. For an ebook device that wants to penetrate the professional...

Spreading the joy of reading at UniKL Library

Last week we were commissioned to deliver, install and give training to use Boox 10.3” inch NotePro at UniKL Library– the Tunku Azizah Knowledge Centre. With librarians and Boox As a generic Android ereader, Boox is a well-suited device for library...

A wonderful review on Nova Pro

We would like to thank our boox fan, The Travel Techie, for posting a wonderful review on Onyx Boox Nova Pro! A good review helps consumers understand the product more, and also helps to improve the product. We hope that more fans can chime in and post their reviews...

Why I’m thankful to be born today

Today ( 12.10) is my birthday, this is the day I turn 38. And today I would like to introduce two books: Enlightenment now, and Factfullness. Here are the two books that tell you the positive trends that your newspapers won’t tell you– that our lifespan is...
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