Why eInk Tablet

The wind is roaring and blocked by the window when you unfold the next chapter with an e-paper device by the fireplace. The subtle light emitted by the dancing flame can’t light up the screen and you know where your finger should tap: the front light button. Toggle it...

全球首款开放系统(Android)彩色电纸书 :文石BOOX新品Poke2 color抢先拥有!

电子书阅读器粉丝望眼欲穿的彩屏电子书终于粉墨登场啦!BOOX Malaysia 现在开放预购 Poke2 Color,限量40台,预计将在今年2020年11月抵达,先到先得哟! 原价RM1,388, 预购优惠 RM1,288, 现在就预定最新的Poke2 Color eInk Reader吧! Poke2 color Android eReader Poke2 Color采用Octa Core 2.0GHz CPU,搭载安卓(Android 9.0)高版本开放系统,内置墨水屏(e-ink screen)应用市场 (App...
Trade-in & Save

Trade-in & Save

Get RM50 Off New Amazon Gift Card + Up to 20% Off new BOOX Android eReader. Tell us about your preloved Kindle eReader Receive a trade-in quote of min RM50 even non-working Kindle eReaders are eligible Ship it for free Print a shipping label and send in your preloved...


近两个月来到处都充斥着负面而悲观的消息,尤其是近一个星期马来西亚的政治新闻高潮迭起,精彩得堪比一部电影。作为马来西亚子民的心情也随之起伏,有愤怒、有悲伤、有谩骂、有嘲讽也有揶揄的。尤其是在社交网站,更是充斥着各种谩骂叫嚣,流言蜚语。 无论如何,发生了的已成为事实,我们唯有理智看待,静观其变。 与其浪费时间划脸书,不如看书吧! 今天,我想邀请你加入微信读书的大家庭,遨游书海,享受无尽的阅读乐趣! 微信读书是一个腾讯(Tencent)所开发的阅读平台App。 同时支持iOS和Android两大终端平台。也就是说,所有的BOOX...
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