What Einstein can teach us about life

Einstein was my childhood hero. He is still my hero. From one thought experiment to another, he discovered one new law of physics after another. He fathomed the secret of the universe with his pure thoughts. It’s astounding and humbling to see how far this...


日前看了一则视频,小学学习奥数,弊大于利?有兴趣的朋友可以通过以下链接观看。 我们说华小学习压力大,孩子被逼超前学习与他们实际年龄不相称的课程,导致童年被牺牲。但是中国儿童学习压力更大。为了可以升上更好的中学,小学生就必须参加奥林匹克数学班(奥数),因为竞争激烈,在普通考试考获好的成绩恐怕已经不够。 在这种水涨船高的情况下,学习奥数从可选项变成了必选项,许多儿童,不管乐不乐意、对数学有没有兴趣,都被父母半哄半强迫的送入奥数班。...
We are now in Penang!

We are now in Penang!

Once again we are tagging along with Big Bad Wolf– this time, we are in Penang from 18-28 July 2019, at Mydin Mall, Bukit Mertajam. Here are some of the photos we took with our BOOX Malaysia fans/ Big Bad Wolfers:...
Jeju– what a beautiful place!

Jeju– what a beautiful place!

Me and my wife had a short 5 days 4 night holiday trip to Jeju Island, South Korea last month. It was an unforgettable experience. We couldn’t speak a word of Korean language, and the Koreans we met couldn’t speak either speak English or Chinese, and yet,...

What is the purpose of your life?

Reading David Brooks latest book, The Second Mountain gives me a pause. The Second Mountain is available at Scribd, for Free 2 months (worth RM75) here. What is the purpose of life? From since young we have been told that we need to study hard, get a good job, become...

BOOX eReader Firmware Update

After using BOOX eReader for some time, we found out that BOOX constantly improve their eReader for better user experience. In order for us to enjoy the improved user interface in BOOX eReader, we will update the BOOX eReader firmware from time to time. You may follow...


最近看了很多本亲子教育的书,最新一本是由刘清虔牧师写的《犹太人的亲子教育–让孩子赢在终点》. 犹太人亡国数千年,最近才复国,之前过着颠沛流离的生活。这样的一个民族,却能够在异邦保有自己的文化、传统、宗教;而在复国之后,在面对充满敌意的邻居,却还能够屹立不倒,无疑有值得我们学习的地方。 我之前看过的一本书《特别狠心特别爱》, 就是一个犹太妈妈写如何教育儿女成才的故事。看看犹太人写的教育的书,在对照一下咱们华人所写的教育的书,就可以看到其中的巨大差别来。华人重视教育,这点无需质疑,所以像《哈佛女孩》,...


作者: Jonathan Ou Amazon 于2007年11月19日以 399 美元的价格推出了第一代Kindle。第一批存货在五个半小时内被抢售一空,直到 2008 的四月末才恢复正常供货。 但在在中国市场却没有那么好的反应。 中国政府对音像制品严格管控,直到第5代Kindle Paperwhite,Amazon都没有正式进入中国市场。 网络都是如何海淘Kindle攻略。 另一方面,Amazon其实对华市场也是抱犹豫态度,也这种心态导致了最终Amazon要撤出中国。...
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