Transfer over 20 type of files formats into your BOOX Android eReader in Malaysia.
With so many formats supported by BOOX Android eReader, you may easily transfer over 20 files formats (PDF, ePub, MOBI, PPT, ZIP, Doc, Docx, Docm, TXT, DjVu, FB2, HTML, CHM, AZW, AZW3,FBZ, ODT,PRC, RTF, SXW, TRC , JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, CBR, CBZ, WAV, MP3) into your New BOOX Android eReader. No conversion required.
Use “Transfer” App to transfer documents from your smartphone into your BOOX Adroid eReader.
方法1: 使用 “传书” App (此方法适用于传送手机文件)
- Make sure both your BOOX eReader & your smartphone are connected to the same WiFi name.
使用此方法之前,请确保您的智能手机及BOOX eReader都连接在同一个WiFi上。 - From “Home” , go to “Apps” and then tab to Open “Transfer” App in your BOOX eReader as per screen below
步骤1: BOOX eReader 内开启“传书”App,(“传书”App是其中一个BOOX eReader默认预先安装的App, 无需手动下载安装)“Transfer” App on BOOX eReader in Malaysia
- You may easily use your phone camera / QR reader to scan the QR code or type in http://192.168.1.XXX:8083 on your web browser in your smartphone.
步骤2: 打开您手机的相机或二维码扫描App并扫描BOOX eReader “传书” App所呈现的二维码并开启您手机上所显示的网页。Scan QR Code on Transfer App – BOOX Malaysia
- Finally, on your smartphone, choose your desired files for upload and select “Upload File”. For some of us, locating our desired files inside our smartphone for the first time may be a chore but it gets better with time. Be patient. Wait until the status of the file shown “100% complete”.
步骤3: 在您的智能手机内,选择”上载文件”,在您的手机内寻找欲传输的文件并选择上载,然后等待至文件上载状态为”100%”
- Now, tab on “WiFi Transfer History” the find your newly uploaded documents. Tab on any to open and start reading.
步骤3: 在您的BOOX eReader 的“传书”App选择”传书记录 ,您刚刚传送的文件将出现在里面,选择并开启文件。Tab on WiFi Transfer History
WiFi Transfer History on Transfer App
More methods of transferring file to BOOX eReader will be shared, stay tune! 🙂
我们将会分享更多的BOOX eReader 文件传输方法,请耐心等待哦! 🙂